Long story I'll get into some other time, but my partner and I live in different states for now. He was here in the Midwest this past weekend. We indulged in many delicious things, one of which was cooking together. It was a simple pasta with vodka cream sauce, but
really it was a shared hour of bonding over the world's second oldest connector: food. (Or first oldest, depending on whether the chicken or egg came first.)
The pungent, rich garlic wafting in the air, the sizzle of the red onion in the hot pan, the bubble, bubble, bubble of the boiling pasta water . . .and the stops for a kiss, a pat, a hug and squeeze. Sublime.
Crafting a meal together is a sacred event in my book. Whether it's with a lover, a friend, your mother, dad, son or daughter . . .plan to cook or bake something with someone you love soon. *smooches* and Buon Appetito!